Arthur Charles Edwards

Black Friday Advertising Campaign

We advertised our most incredible deals to our customers.

Black Friday Campaign

In 2021, 154.5 million Americans shopped on Black Friday. The number includes 88 million Americans who shopped online. needed a new marketing campaign concept to entice customers to purchase our products during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The design team went through several iterations to meet the needs and vision of an advertising campaign that wouldn’t conflict with the branding of

The Emoji typography concept was one of the concepts I developed for this initiative. This design concept is a fun and playful way of expressing emotion to the customers. After senior leadership approved the new concept, the team of designers, writers, and Art Directors worked to build out the Emoji Black Friday Campaign.


Art Direction

High Fidelity Mockups

Marketing Concepts

Social Media Marketing

My Role

Visual Designer & Concept Creator


Approved Design Concepts (Arthur Edwards- Concept Creator) -

Black Friday Advertisements (Various work by Entire Design Team) -

Below reflects the work designed by the entire design team. This team includes copywriters, designers and creative directors.
