Arthur Charles Edwards

Application Design

Tripple filtered for clarity and control

Domain Registration Search Results

Searching for preferable domains is a big part of the customer journey on This application enhancement was created to allow the customer to find their desired domain with greater ease.

In this application, we designed an experience that will allow the user to filter the search based on domain extensions like .com, .net, and .org.



Design Annotations

Design Concepts

My Role

Visual Designer


Visual Design - Project Intro

These concepts were presented to stakeholders and developers as an option to enhance the search results page. We gave a formal presentation of the desktop enahcements. This presentation and approval would give us the green light to work on the responsive design.


Visual Design - Search results start screen

Below are the search results page and the new filter search button. In this view, no filters have been selected.


Visual Design - Filters active + chips of active filters

The filtered search drop-down allows users to manually select which extension they only want to see in their results. After the selected filters have been activated, the user will see activated chip icons. The activated filters can be removed by clicking on the x icon.
